Mar 12, 2011

A5 Apple, a true mystery box

If disassembly iFixit rule tells us more about the components included in the iPad 2, it does not, of course decide on the amount of RAM onboard. But some analysts are pronounced and some calculations are needed.

Being a SoC (System on Chip), difficult to know the RAM that integrates (even removing the iPad 2). Experts in the field of microelectronics could open the case of the A5 and examine the binocular. But for now we will stick to the opinion of several analysts.
One analyst says renowned Korean and iPad 2 has 512MB of RAM. He added that this type of RAM LPDDR2 faster than the iPhone which LPDDR1 4 states. His bus is clocked at 1.066GHz while LPDDR1 is clocked at 800MHz. This is a speed gain of 33%.
Amazing, is not it? In both cases, it falls short of RAM embedded in the shelves Honeycomb. Thinking of Xoom and the 1GB of RAM.
Another analyst, however, had claimed that the iPad was only two 256MB, and the lack of communication from Apple on the subject leaves doubts.
We still lend a little calculation. RAM with a bus 33% faster (this is the case of LPDDR2) can be given (roughly) as more or less equivalent to 340MB (1.33 multiplied by 256) RAM LPDDR1. It does not 512MB of RAM but it can be calculated that Apple has done and what would be one of the elements that would be so competitive with other tablets.
Unless the iPad 2 embarks actually 512MB of RAM. It will probably answer quickly since the developers are aware apps such information but probably can not communicate due to NDA (Non Disclosure Agreement). 

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